Monday, September 13, 2010

Why did Peter Corroon decline to make declaration to limit campaign contributions?

Peter Corroon is certainly touting a message of campaign finance reform to limit campaign contributions when his Republican opponent is outpacing his fund raising effort, but has Peter Corroon always been for limiting campaign contributions?

The answer is NO.

In his 2001 race for Salt Lake City Council in District #3, Peter Corroon filed a statement with the City Recorder declining to make a declaration to limit campaign contributions and expenditures.

Fast forward to today. Peter Corroon repeatedly has called for campaign finance reform yet he has never held himself to self-limit campaign contributions and expenses. The do-as-I-say, not as-I-do strategy demonstrates the excruciating hypocrisy that has defined Peter Corroon's candidacies.


  1. This is ridiculous. I have seen Corroon's commercials ripping on the Governor for not supporting campaign finance reform, yet he sign a statement declining to voluntarily limit campaign contributions? What a crock.

  2. You guys a morons. Peter Corroon is a politician, of course he doesn't really want to limit campaign contributions. This is campaign rhetoric.

  3. What a bunch of crap Corroon's attacks on Herbert are. This guy should get blown out so long as his lies don't pass for truth.

  4. How is this guy a candidate for Governor? He's a rank liar, raised my taxes, charged me a police fee, and then pretends he's a conservative?

  5. Campaign finance reform is only beneficial when you are, or will be the incumbent. If he is taking hundreds of thousands in contributions now, how will his opponents ever match him unless they are uber-rich?
