Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tom Barberi Rants Against Unified Police Tax.

Barberi Rages In 'A Return To Reason' | Salt TV Network
Click the link to view Barberi's rant.

It looks like the rage towards Salt Lake County for the Unified Police Tax has even frustrated legendary liberal members of our community. The tax that apparently Thousands not paying bill for Unified Police service because of the ridiculous burden it poses.

But of course our dear Salt Lake City Council and Mayor Peter Corroon reject the discourse that this really is a "tax" at all by insisting that it is called a "service fee."

Tom Barberi, thank you for feeling our pain.

1 comment:

  1. Mayor Corroon is Howard Dean's cousin. Howard Dean is a self-proclaimed socialist and rated Mayor Corroon as one of the most progressive candidates in the nation. Bad news for Utah.
